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Chen Yi-Wen

  Yi Wen 畢業於義大利波隆那插畫展重點學校 Ars In Fabula 插畫碩士,熱愛生活中小小的一景一事,因此常以此為題材畫圖,除了畫圖之外也喜歡閱讀,所以最喜歡的工作是為文章畫圖。
  作品曾刊登於義大利漫畫雜誌FriscoSpeaks、與佛羅倫斯Risograph工作室Concretipo合作獨立出版圖像小說 2 SASSI IN INVERNO( 2 STONES IN WINTER) 、為服裝品牌 Syndro 童裝線 syndromini 設計品牌LOGO及LOOKBOOK視覺設計、榮獲3x3世界插畫大獎 Honorable Mention 等等。

Yi Wen is born and raised in Taiwan, and has been living in Florence, and Macerata Italy.

Drawing exists in her daily life since she's old enough to remember. She likes to draw as simple as she can to convey ideas. She has also made several zines and prints about the tiny sparkling ideas in life, including the happiness and  sadness that no one had thought about mentioning. Most of her zines are printed with risograph or silkscreen.

Her works have been published on Italian comic magazine FriscoSpeaks, and has been cooperate with Florentine Risograph studio of a self-published graphic novel, 2 Sassi in Inverno. Her clients include brand syndromini and more. She had won Honorable Mention of 2021 3x3 Illustration award.

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做一天的夢:Chen Yi-Wen


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